Invisalign special offers are now more easily accessible!
One thinks about invisalign braces and invariably those dreadful pictures of thick train tracks made of metal knocks in the mind. This is true for the majority of people belonging to our generation. Although those thick metal train tracks are still in use today, but now it is possible to make conventional fixed braces more discreet with help of clear wires and ceramic brackets. Innovative approach in orthodontic dentistry – Invisalign London for example – has made braces even more accessible.
Invisalign offers is a completely discreet and comfortable aligner system which imposes no dietary restriction on you. You can enjoy all your favourite foods and dishes throughout the course of your orthodontic treatment. It even allows you to brush and floss the teeth properly every day and maintain optimum oral hygiene.

In simpler words, braces have come a long way in the recent times both in their types and also the age range of users. Even in the recent past orthodontic braces were meant only for children and teenagers but now a large number of adults are anxiously signing up for the treatments. Adults who explore braces for the first time usually have their queries limited to the following aspects –
- Whether they are eligible for braces
- The different types of braces that are available for them and
- How much the treatment will cost
A section of them even asks whether they could get Invisalign on the NHS points out a dentist who launches Invisalign special offers in London from time to time. Let us try to satisfy most of the common queries related to adult orthodontic braces in the following sections of this post.
The NHS and Invisalign aligner system
The NHS provides free orthodontic treatment to patients who are under 18 years of age although age is not the only factor to consider here. Free treatment is meted only to patients who require these treatments clearly for health needs. The NHS considers orthodontic treatment for children right from the age of 12 and assesses eligibility of each candidate on a scale called the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need or IOTN.
Each child candidate is assigned a number ranging from 1 to 5 based on their need to undergo orthodontic treatment. If a child is assigned the number 4 or 5, the child is put on the waiting list for treatment whereas those who are assigned the number 3 are adjudged on individual basis. As of now the NHS offers orthodontic treatment only with traditional metal braces and Invisalign aligners are not offered yet.
However when Invisalign on the NHS is concerned there are other options that one may explore. One can easily go to a private dentist and avoid the NHS waiting list as well as get access to a wider range of treatments. Youngsters are usually more self conscious than aged and so they are usually more comfortable going with a clear aligner system. But for forgetful teenagers conventional fixed braces are a better option as it is practically impossible to lose or misplace these orthodontic appliances every now and then unlike removable aligners.
The lowest cost of Invisalign aligners
A large number of adults who seek Invisalign treatment want to know the cheapest option to bring their teeth to correct alignment. As with almost every other orthodontic treatment option this depends on a given case. The cost varies from case to case and is affected by factors like the level of complexity involved and the expected duration of treatment. As far as Invisalign system is concerned, Invisalign Lite is the most reasonable treatment option although it is not suitable for the majority of people. Invisalign Lite is specifically meant for treating absolutely minor orthodontic issues. In order to make this cutting-edge application to straighten the teeth affordable for everyone dental practices allow patients to spread the total cost of treatment along several months. However this facility is subjected to financial approval.
Where will you get this kind of offers? A large number of dental practices offer this facility and in order to find such practices nearby all you have to do is go online and type in search strings like “invisalign special offer near me”. You will get your leads almost in no time and have to select the most suitable option carefully.
Choosing between Invisalign and Smile Direct
Mail-order orthodontics are offered at a very low price and that is what makes this option so tempting. Compared to the cost quoted by conventional orthodontics, Smile Direct offers to straighten your teeth for around 60% lesser price. But there are things to consider before one signs up for mail-order treatment options. There is practically no in-person support in mail-order orthodontic treatments. In orthodontic dentistry it is important to stay in touch with one’s dentist or orthodontist throughout the phase of the treatment to ensure everything is going in the right direction as per plan. Therefore it is not wise to sign up with any mail-order treatment option including Smile Direct.
How about a cheaper alternative to Invisalign?
Invisalign is an exclusively popular brand name in the world of modern orthodontic dentistry but that does not mean that it is the only option for you to get your teeth straightened discreetly. There are other options for you to explore that work out to be much cheaper. The options include Quick Straight Teeth, clear aligner systems and much more.
Last but nevertheless the least you should choose a treatment that is best for you and your oral health. The best way to find out which treatment or approach will work best for you is to book an appointment with us at the Smile Clinic London, Invisalign Provider. We are located on Old Brompton Road in London and offer a wide range of treatments covering various branches of modern dentistry. We are also renowned for launching incredible special Invisalign Deal London at different times of the year. Trained and experienced dentists, skilled and dedicated support staffs, cosy relaxing atmosphere, the latest dental technology are the few factors that keep us ahead from our competitors. Unparalleled care and treatment at a cost that easily fits every pocket is what places us in a completely different league from the standard private dental surgeries in and around London.